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5 Signs You Need HVAC Maintenance Today

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We know that buying brand new heating and cooling systems is expensive. And while high-functioning HVAC and humidifying units are smart investments to keep your energy costs low, stay healthy and comfortable, and preserve your home and belongings, it’s still not an expense and hassle that any of us want to deal with frequently.

Even though at Gault we proudly carry the highest quality HVAC systems, we don’t want you to be constantly replacing your heating and cooling units. In fact, with regular maintenance, your air conditioning unit should last for 10-12 years and your furnace should be keeping you warm for 15-20!

Neglecting your HVAC after installation  shortens its lifespan, but with consistent maintenance you can keep your systems running as efficiently as possible. We recommend annual maintenance to inspect and service your units before any big problems arise, but if you’ve pushed it past a year and you see any of these signs, then it’s time to call an HVAC professional right away.

1. Your energy bills have increased

Have you noticed an unexpected spike in your energy bills lately? Well, even if you’ve been binge watching too much TV, always forget to turn lights off, or spend entirely too long staring into your refrigerator, your lights and appliances probably aren’t to blame - it’s your HVAC system. In fact, 54% of a typical home’s energy costs can be traced back to their heating and cooling system. So if your system isn’t performing at its best then it’s costing you a TON of money.

2. You’re constantly adjusting the thermostat

The beauty of a good HVAC system is that you should be able to very literally “set it and forget it." You shouldn’t be thinking about heating and cooling everyday! (That’s our job.)

So if you find that you spend your day tweaking your thermostat up and then back down several degrees just to feel comfortable, it’s time for a tune-up. Another sign that your system isn’t performing up to speed is that when you do make adjustments, it takes too long to actually get to temp.

3. It’s getting noisy (or smelly)

You’ve lived with your HVAC systems long enough to know their normal sounds, however, if you start hearing something unusual like sudden banging, whistling, rattling, and especially grinding, then it’s time to schedule maintenance ASAP.

These odd sounds can be indications of loose parts, obstructions, or the beginnings of mechanical failures. This is about as close as you can get to your HVAC system literally telling you it’s in need of service, so please, listen to it.  

And it’s not just unusual sounds that you can pick up with your senses, but smells too. If your home is suddenly filled with an odor that makes you wonder if you’ve forgotten a sweaty gym bag somewhere, the culprit could be your HVAC system.

4. The airflow is lousy

If your once gentle and consistent breeze has turned into wild gusts or an almost imperceptible wisp of air, then, you guessed it, your system needs maintenance. It could be  issues with an obstructed condenser, leaky ductwork, or perhaps clogged filters.

On your end, we recommend changing your filters every three months, though possibly even more often if you have pets that shed a lot or family members with allergies or weak immune systems.

5. It’s just… old

Much like us, the older your systems get, the more attention you should pay to preventative care. Even if you aren’t seeing these immediate signs, if you’re nearing the end of your HVAC system’s average lifespan, then regular maintenance is a must!

Because even though old age may bring about more problems if left unchecked, you shouldn’t throw in the towel just yet. Your furnace or AC unit could still have several good years ahead of it, so long as it’s regularly maintained.

Eventually you may find that your HVAC system has issues that regular check-ups just aren’t covering and then it may finally be time for a new unit. Lennox recommends replacing your unit once the cost of repairs has exceeded 50% of the cost of buying new.  But until you get to that point, keep your heating and cooling system performing fantastically for years to come by paying attention to these signs and getting it serviced by a professional HVAC technician every single year.

If you’re in the Youngstown, Hubbard, Warren, Poland, or northeast Ohio area and need maintenance on your heating or cooling systems before that little annoyance becomes a big problem, call the HVAC experts at Gault today!

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